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Python Tutorials

Learn How to Program with Python
Large single page Python tutorial.
Free Python Tutorial
Python tutorial and articles can be found on this site. Information includes how to get Python and how to install Python.
Introduction to Programming with Python
Tutorial for engineers, scientists, and developers wishing to learn Python.
Devshed Python Tutorial
Collection of Python tutorials and articles from Devshed.com.
wxPython for newbies
Tutorial covering wxPython for windows.
Dive Into Python
A slightly more advanced Python programming tutorial for programmers.
Python 101 - An Intoduction to Python
Very large single page Python tutorial covering everything from basic Python syntax to Python modules and packages.
The What, Why, Who, and Where of Python
Very nice large single page Python programming tutorial.
Non-Programmer's Python Tutorial
Covers hello world, looping, debugging, defining functions, lists, dictionaries, file IO, and error handling.
Python Short Course
Python overiew, numerical Python programming, extending Python with C, and Python GUI's with Tkinter.
Introductory Material on Python
A good page for answering questions like what is Python, and how do I get started with it.
Python Tutorial
This is a very comprehensive 10 part Python tutorial.

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